
Our Dairy Services at a Quick Glance:

Vet Services believes that every farm is unique and we aim to tailor our approach to each and every individual farm and client, using our Annual Consults and our Animal Health Plans to form a framework from which we start, followed by regular contact points during the season.

What can we do for you?

Our Annual RVM Consult is our starting point when working with you and your farm. During this consult we do not only decide on your treatment plans and regimes, we also format your Animal Health Plan that is set up to support you throughout the season with timed reminders for key animal health events and consultations. This consult also gives us the opportunity to inform you of important upcoming changes in the dairy industry and what they mean for you as well as the perfect time to discuss your goals and ambitions for the coming season(s).

During the season we aim to catch up on a regular basis:

We aim to work with you in a manner that is suitable and satisfactory for you and your farming business, using strong and open communication lines. Please always feel free to get in touch with any questions, comments and concerns.