To all our VSHB Clients Regarding the Covid-19 outbreak…
We would like to reassure you that the health and well-being of our community is our primary concern. Our animals, our clients and ourselves.
We are aware that as providers of animal health services we need to do our best to maintain a high level of service for the community, despite the challenges presented by the current Coronavirus outbreak. With this in mind, we will do our best to communicate effectively and follow recommendations from the Ministry of Health.
What we’re doing
Continued Service
Normal operation will continue at Vet Services Hawkes Bay. We will continue to monitor events on a daily basis. We have increased cleaning routines, and hand sanitiser/wipes are available for use throughout the clinics.
Increased cleaning
We are doing as much as we can to ensure that we operate as normal with continued access to our vets, staff and uninterrupted product supply. At this point we have no reason to think that we won’t be able to continue to deliver the levels of service you are accustomed to.
Limited Social Interaction
We will limit “social interaction” as recommended by the authorities so you may not get the usual customary handshake or hug when one of our team turns up on farm. Don’t worry, we are sure normal service will resume sooner rather than later!
What you can do
We suggest that fewer people in the family could attend the clinic for consultations with your pet, which will limit risk. There is no evidence that pets can get sick from this coronavirus but do bear in mind that they can “carry” it just like a hand or a door handle can, if they are touched by someone who is infectious.
If you are feeling unwell we recommend (as per the MoH guidelines) that you do not come into the clinic. For routine pet visits we can rebook for when you are feeling better. If your pet needs urgent treatments or repeat medications whilst you are unwell please ring the clinic to talk to us. We can organise repeat medications to be taken out to your car or have your pets assessed for treatment in the carpark. We aim to be flexible around repeat prescriptions too.
If you have flu-like symptoms, stay at home and seek medical advice. Please do not put others at risk of illness. As a community, we each have a personal responsibility to protect each other by complying with this rule.
Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions from the Ministry of Health.
Regularly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash your hands with soap and water (especially after going to the bathroom, before eating; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing).
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Practice good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of used tissues immediately and appropriately in a bin
We have hand sanitiser, wipes and tissues available in all of our clinics.
We’ll see you soon
In summary, we’ll keep an eye on developments and keep you in the loop as much as we can.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding, look after yourselves and your animals and we look forward to seeing you soon.
The Team at VSHB
View more: All of our VSHB Clients , regarding the Covid 19 outbreak… document